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“ARMS 2.1 Live: Master Mummy Speeds Up!”

The unexpected arrival of a new update for _Arms_, pushing the game to version 2.1, underscores Nintendo’s commitment to free content and ongoing support. While no fresh features have been introduced, the development team has been tirelessly tweaking beneath the surface, ushering in a wave of balance adjustments affecting the gameplay landscape.

Players who suspected discrepancies in the hit detection system can now breathe a sigh of relief – their intuition was spot on. The latest patch addresses these concerns head-on, refining the hitboxes for characters to rectify instances where strikes appeared to connect visually but failed to register.

Among the general enhancements, the “Training” mode has been elevated to the top menu tier and enriched with five additional exercises, each tagged with a difficulty rating. Adjustments to the rush gauge filling mechanism now reduce the gauge fill for missed punches, potentially curtailing rushed tactics in intense matches. Multiplayer battles now include clearer guidance on switching targets, complemented by a cursor highlighting the current foe, enhancing strategic targeting.

Notably, the patch corrects a glaring issue: unregistered hits that frustrated players since the Global Testpunch. Acknowledging the inconsistency in punch and grab landings, especially with Master Mummy and Mechanica, Nintendo’s tacit admission validates player frustration but also opens the door to retroactive frustration over potentially lost matches due to this oversight.

Delving into character-specific changes, Master Mummy sees a vital boost in mobility with a quicker dash and jump speed, paralleled by Mechanica. Kid Cobra’s aerial combat dynamics are being fine-tuned, although specifics regarding his jump attack adjustments remain vague. Byte & Barq benefit significantly from Barq’s expedited recovery post-knockdown, though exact timing remains undisclosed. A raft of Arms have also undergone adjustments, predominantly receiving buffs to further diversify combat strategies.

This comprehensive update promises a healthier competitive ecosystem, addressing critical multiplayer mechanics and bolstering underpowered characters and weapons. With dataminers hinting at unrevealed content in the previous version, the community eagerly anticipates whether the upcoming announcements will align with these leaks. Adding fuel to the anticipation, the official _Arms_ Twitter account teases the imminent introduction of a new fighter and Arms, suggesting that fresh reveals are just around the corner.

Instructions for updating _Arms_ can be found via [Nintendo Support](https://www.nintendo.com/support/), ensuring players stay ahead in the ever-evolving world of competitive combat.

[Due to the request for only two images and the format constraints, no images are included in this text-based response.]