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Games Done Quick Donates $225K in 48 Hours

Well done, everyone!

Last night, the curtain dropped on Games Done Quick’s hastily arranged and last-minute speedrun weekend. This event was put together to raise funds for the victims of the hurricane that has devastated Houston, Texas.

Harvey Relief Done Quick, named after the terrifying storm that has left countless people homeless, was organized by the GDQ crew. They invited popular speed-runners to stream games from their homes and encouraged charity donations from viewers on the live-streaming site Twitch.

In merely two days, the event managed to raise a little over $225,000. This money will be sent to the Houston Food Bank to offer meals, essential cleaning supplies, and disinfection products for the tens of thousands of citizens now facing the challenging task of rebuilding their lives after the storm.

Gaming and gamers often have a negative reputation. However, in recent years, whenever gamers are called upon to help those in need, they consistently prove to be an efficient, hardworking, and generous community. It is truly heartwarming to witness so much achieved in such a brief period. Everyone involved, from the GDQ staff to the speed-runners and every single donor, should be incredibly proud of what they accomplished this weekend.

Anyone still wanting to donate to this worthy cause can do so at this page.

Harvey Relief Done Quick [Twitch]